Adult games...... are no kids games!One have to admit that what is generally called an "adult game" is more than once of a rather distressing level. Between the implausibilities and the absurdities, it is often very difficult not to give up. What about consistency?Writing a short novel or a game means thinking about the story line, giving consistency to the characters and the plot, and above all not taking the players for fools. |
InspirationEach to his own! Here we look at everyday life with humor and lightness. We laugh at the disappointments, the blows of fate. Sociologically, we consider society more as the result of a multitude of perpetual conflicts than as a system seeking harmony for everyone's well-being. We are not really utopians, but we are not less positive for that. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. That's all! About eHellJayWriting a novel, a short story or a game means thinking about the story line, giving consistency to the characters and the plot. Some authors manage to do this. I would like to be one of them. As I don't pretend to be a good writer able to elaborate sophisticated stories, I write and develop short fictions and visual novels with some gameplay.